Meet Ze Monster is an exhibition, creative exploration and celebration of the ‘dark’ side, the shadowy parts of ourselves we all have within us that we don’t always want to see, the parts we might name our ‘monsters’. These can manifest in many forms and from different life experiences: beliefs about ourselves, insecurities, negative self-talk, societal barriers, or trauma.
The aim of the project is to help normalize and understand our monsters, to give compassion to and to celebrate all the different parts of ourselves that make us human. Participants of Meet Ze Monster have created and exhibited pieces of artwork that represent their monsters in the online gallery. 

The gallery consists of a small collection of images with a description of the individual artist’s experience. They are represented in a variety of ways through a mixture of artistic mediums: illustration, painting and photography.
Please be aware that some of the content may be sensitive.

If you would like further details about the project or if you are interested in submitting a piece of art work please get in touch.
For information about the artwork and artists or links to mental health services please visit the homepage.